Addiction counselors are professional counselors that provide individual counseling, group counseling, and educational services to individuals and families experiencing the effects of alcohol and drug abuse addictions.
Our Addiction Counseling degree prepares you to pursue a career as a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC). This program meets all requirements of the Texas Department of Health and Human Services and prepares you to become a Counselor Intern.
The program also provides the educational and practicum hours necessary for partial fulfillment of Texas state licensing requirements to become a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor. Current state requirements for licensure include:
- Completion of an associate’s degree.
- Completion of 300 hours of practicum experience under the auspices of an accredited institution of higher education or proprietary school.
- Passing a comprehensive written examination administered by the Texas Certification Board of Addiction Professionals.
- Completion of 4,000 hours of supervised work experience following the Department of Health and Human Services standards.
Contact the department chair or academic advisor for more information.
Marketable skills for this award include: building effective relationships, interpersonal skills, listener, presentation skills, verbal communication skills and written communication skills.
Associate of Applied Science
TSI Complete