Mar 06, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog with Addendum 
2024-2025 Catalog with Addendum

What We Expect

Responsibility for Admission Requirements

Students are responsible for meeting all admission requirements. TJC reserves the right to refuse admission or readmission to any applicant who does not comply with admissions procedures or where evidence exists that the applicant probably would be incompatible with the aims and objectives of the College or where, in the judgment of the College, the applicant’s presence on campus would not be in the best interest of the applicant or the College. An applicant who has a record of numerous arrests for violations of the law, or whose conduct consistently has demonstrated anti-social behavior, can be accepted only if the College is fully satisfied that his/her admission will be in the best interest of both the applicant and the College. Students who are denied admission to the College based on this policy may appeal the decision in writing to the Admissions Appeal Committee. The decision of this committee shall be final.


Regular class attendance is fundamental for the success of the student; therefore, a student must report promptly and regularly to all classes. See Board Policy for further information.

Student Absences on Religious Holy Days

A student should notify the faculty member in writing at least ten business days prior to the intended absence due to a religious holy day. Under Texas Education Code 51.911, a student who is absent from classes for travel to and observance of a religious holy day will be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment scheduled for that day within a reasonable time as established by the faculty member.

“Religious holy day” means a holy day observed by a religion whose places of worship are exempt from property taxation under Section 11.20, Tax Code.

Student Absence Responsibility

A student absent due to participation in a College District-sponsored/approved event will be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment scheduled for that day within a reasonable time as established by the faculty member. The student must notify the faculty member in writing at least ten business days prior to the intended absence (or as soon as notified by the coach or sponsor). A College District-sponsored/approved event is an activity where:

  • The student is an official representative of the College District;
  • The College District financially supports the activity and/or travel for the event; or
  • The student is required to attend to maintain a scholarship.

Participants must be engaged in conducting the event or serving as leaders of the organizations involved. Voluntary attendance at an event without event responsibilities does not qualify as an excused absence.

Extended Absences

Students with absences that exceed 15% of coursework are encouraged to seek potential alternative options, such as withdrawing from a course. In this case, the student should consult the professor and department chair. Students receiving financial aid should contact a financial aid advisor regarding options.

For more information on attendance and absences, see EGA(Regulation) - Academic Achievement: Grading and Credit and/or FC(Legal) - Attendance.

Date of Last Attendance

  1. Attending a synchronous class, lecture, recitation, or field or laboratory activity, physically or online, where there is an opportunity for interaction between the instructor and students;
  2. Submitting an academic assignment;
  3. Taking an assessment or an exam;
  4. Participating in an interactive tutorial, webinar, or other interactive computer-assisted instruction;
  5. Participating in a study group, group project, or an online discussion that is assigned by the institution; or
  6. Interacting with an instructor about academic matters;

Attendance/academic engagement does not include activities where a student may be present, but not academically engaged, such as:

  1. Living in institutional housing
  2. Participating in the institution’s meal plan
  3. Logging into an online class without active participation
  4. Participating in academic counseling or advisement

A determination of “academic attendance” or “attendance at an academically-related activity” must be made by the institution; a student’s certification of attendance that is not supported by institutional documentation is not acceptable.

Note: Special admission programs may have additional requirements for attendance/withdrawal. Please consult with the department chair for specifics.

Acceptable Forms of Identification

Prospective or former students requiring services from TJC must present a valid form of ID with an identifiable photo. An individual must present one of the following options to the office they are requesting services from:

  • Texas Driver’s License (DL) or Texas Identification Card (ID)
  • Temporary receipt for a Texas DL or ID
  • DL or ID issued by another U.S. state, U.S. territory, the District of Columbia, or Canadian province
  • U.S. Passport book or Passport card
  • U.S. Citizenship Certificate or Certificate of Naturalization
  • U.S. Citizen Identification Card
  • Permanent Resident Card
  • Foreign Passport, Visa
  • U.S. Military ID card for active duty, reserve, or retired personnel
  • Current Student ID from any College/University or High School
  • Identification Letter “School or Notarized Identification Letter for Individuals Without Photo ID” for High School students that do not have DL or Student ID. This form is available at the TJC Testing Center.

Current students requiring services from TJC must present a valid form of ID with an identifiable photo. An individual must present one of the following options to the office they are requesting services from:

  • Current TJC or government-issued photo ID
  • Temporary receipt for a current TJC or government-issued photo ID

Note: Additional information may be required for transactions involving the following areas: Higher One, Testing, and Cashier’s Office.

Classification, Load, and Numbering

Student Classification

The student’s classification is based on cumulative college semester hours passed (not counting hours currently enrolled). A student is classified as follows:

Freshman Less than 30 semester credit hours

Sophomore 30-72 semester credit hours

Unclassified More than 72 semester credit hours; no associate degree or above earned

Associate Degree Previously earned an associate degree

Baccalaureate or above Previously earned a degree of baccalaureate or above

Third Year Bachelor A student in the third year of a Bachelor’s program

Fourth Year Bachelor A student in the fourth year of a Bachelor’s program

Student Load

A student may enroll in one or more courses. The minimum credit hour load to be considered a full-time student is 12 semester hours during a Fall or Spring semester or 6 semester hours during a regular summer session. Students desiring to take more than 19 hours per semester are required to present an outstanding record on courses already completed and obtain the permission of the Registrar for the overload.

Student loads by term are as follows:

  Part-Time Full-Time Maximum without approval Maximum with approval
Fall or Spring Less than 12 semester credit hours 12 or more semester credit hours 19 semester credit hours 22 semester credit hours
Winter Less than 3 semester credit hours 3 semester credit hours 3 semester credit hours 6 semester credit hours
May Less than 3 semester credit hours 3 semester credit hours 3 semester credit hours 6 semester credit hours
Summer I* Less than 6 semester credit hours 6 or more semester credit hours 8 semester credit hours 9 semester credit hours**
Summer II* Less than 6 semester credit hours 6 or more semester credit hours 8 semester credit hours 9 semester credit hours

*The combined maximum load for all summer terms may not exceed 16 semester credit hours.

**Overloads of up to 12 semester credit hours may be considered for Summer Special coursework.

Long format term overloads (Fall, Spring, Summer Special):

Academically superior students with a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average and an academic record that reflects successful full-time enrollment may file an appeal to take additional credits. Petitions for Overload are filed with and approved by the Registrar.

Short format term overloads (Winter, May, Summer I, Summer II):

Academically superior students with a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average and an academic record that reflects successful enrollment in a prior short-format term may file an appeal to take additional credits. Petitions for Overload are filed with and approved by the Registrar.

Exceptions to student load:

Students enrolled in approved programs will be permitted to take coursework designated in their respective curriculum sequence for their program without additional approvals. For more information regarding approved programs, please contact the Office of the Registrar.

Course Numbering

One semester hour represents one class hour per week for 16 weeks; for example, one course meeting three hours a week for 16 weeks carries credit of three semester hours.

Courses designated as developmental will not count as elective or degree credit toward any degree. Courses in this Catalog which are developmental have four-digit numbers; the first number is a “0.”

TJC has joined the Texas Common Course Numbering System Consortium approved by the Texas Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. This number system was developed for the purpose of facilitating the transfer of general academic courses.

  • The four-letter prefix will be used to identify subject areas.
  • The four-digit numbers will be used as follows:
    • First digit - to identify level (0 = developmental, 1 = freshman, 2 = sophomore, 3 = junior, 4 = senior)
    • Second digit - to identify credit-hour value
    • Third and fourth digits - to establish course sequence

All descriptive titles of courses are followed by two numbers in parentheses. The first of these numbers gives the number of lecture hours each week, while the second number gives the number of laboratory hours each week. For example, the notation (3-2) indicates that a course has three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory weekly.


Drop/Withdrawal from Course(s)


A student may request a drop from a course or withdrawal from the College in Apache Access or by visiting the, Apache Enrollment Center. Before dropping, it is strongly recommended the student discuss their course progress with their instructor. Students should be aware that dropping a course may affect the status of scholarships, financial aid, VA benefits or on-campus housing.

Limitations on Number of Courses that May Be Dropped (TEC 51.907)

A student shall not be permitted to drop more than six courses taken while enrolled at TJC or another public institution of higher education. For this limit to apply:

  1. The student must be permitted to drop the course without receiving a grade or being penalized academically;
  2. The student’s transcript must indicate or will indicate the student was enrolled in the course; and
  3. The student must not have dropped the course to withdraw from the College District.

A student shall be permitted to exceed the limit on the number of dropped courses for any of the following reasons:

  1. A severe illness or other debilitating condition that affects the student’s ability to satisfactorily complete a course;
  2. The student’s responsibility for the care of a sick, injured, or needy person if the provision of care affects the student’s ability to satisfactorily complete a course;
  3. The death of a person who is either considered to be a member of the student’s family or is otherwise considered to have a sufficiently close relationship to the student, that the person’s death is considered to be a showing of good cause;
  4. The active duty service as a member of the Texas National Guard or the Armed Forces of the United States of either the student or a person who is considered to be a member of the student’s family or a person who is otherwise considered to have a sufficiently close relationship to the student, as described below;
  5. The change of the student’s work schedule that is beyond the control of the student, and that affects the student’s ability to satisfactorily complete the course; or
  6. Relocation or a loss of transportation that affects the student’s ability to satisfactorily complete the course; or
  7. Other good cause as determined by the institution.

Additionally, a student shall be permitted a total of more than six dropped courses if the enrollment is for a student who qualifies for a seventh course enrollment, because the student:

  1. Has reenrolled at the institution following a break in enrollment from the institution or another institution of higher education covering at least the 24-month period preceding the first class day of the initial semester or other academic term of the student’s reenrollment; and
  2. Successfully completed at least 50 semester credit hours of coursework at an institution of higher education before that break in enrollment.

The Dean of Students in collaboration with the Instructional Dean is authorized to withdraw students from courses for behavioral and/or Student Code of conduct violations.


A student who has been withdrawn from a course may be reinstated only with the approval of the professor and department chair. The student must initiate the reinstatement within seven calendar days of the official withdrawal date.

Academic Standing

Academic Standing

When a student’s cumulative TJC academic record indicates that he/she is failing to make satisfactory progress, he/she is considered to be scholastically deficient and is placed on academic probation. Students who choose to transfer to TJC on academic probation from a previous institution will be evaluated on the same criteria as TJC students.

Academic status levels are defined as follows:

Good Standing - Students are considered to be in good standing when they maintain a cumulative TJC grade-point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher.

Academic Probation - A student who fails to maintain a cumulative TJC GPA of 2.0 or higher is placed on academic probation.

Suspension - Students on academic probation who do not earn a semester GPA of 2.0 or higher in the next semester of enrollment will be placed on academic suspension.

Students may not be eligible for enrollment at TJC for the period listed below based on their academic standing. Students who wish to appeal this period must make petition to the Academic Suspension Appeals Committee.

First Academic Suspension: one regular semester (Fall/Spring) or one full summer (Summer I and II).

Second Academic Suspension: one academic year.

Third Academic Suspension: If a student is placed on academic suspension a third time, he/she may not enroll indefinitely.

One academic year must pass from the time of suspension before a request of readmission can be submitted.

Suspended students may complete a petition for admission requesting continued enrollment through the office of admissions. A student returning from suspension is required to meet with an academic advisor prior to being permitted to enroll.

Academic Integrity

As a premier learning-centered higher education institution, TJC is committed to academic integrity and standards of excellence of the highest quality in all courses and programs and to providing an environment that fosters the educational process and the well-being of the campus community. Students attending TJC are responsible for adhering to this principle.

A list of violations of academic integrity is included in the Student Code of Conduct found in the Student Handbook. Student grievances relating to probation or dismissal from a program due to academic integrity issues will follow FLDB (Regulation) found in the Board Policy Manual.

Faculty Initiated Academic Integrity Action

It is the responsibility and prerogative of the faculty member to make an initial determination regarding the extent and severity of an academic integrity violation. If the instructor believes that the student violated the Student Code of Conduct:

  1. The faculty member will discuss the violation with the student.
  2. The faculty member may report the incident to the Student Conduct Coordinator who will maintain a record of the event.

The Student Conduct Coordinator, in consultation with other administrators and taking into consideration any previous violations reported, may determine that additional sanction(s) against the student are warranted. In this event, the Disciplinary Procedures outlined in the Student Handbook will be followed.


Grade Forgiveness Policy

A student may repeat a course they have previously taken at TJC for the purposes of improving their original grade.

Only the semester credit hours and quality points from the highest grade will be used in calculating the grade-point average. The repeated course with the lower grade is marked as excluded on the student’s official record in earned hours. All course attempts are recorded on the student’s permanent record/transcript. Receipt of a higher grade in a subsequent semester does not alter the student’s academic standing in the semester when the original grades were earned.

Major topic courses which are required to repeat for certain majors are exempt from this policy.

Grades and Reports

The standing of the student in each course is determined by class performance and by regular examinations. Two hours is considered a reasonable amount of time for average students to spend in preparation for each hour of class work.

Final grades for each class are posted on Apache Access, the TJC web portal for students. Grades are not mailed. To check grades, log into Apache Access: TJC Apache Access

For course grade complaints, please review the Grievance Procedures found in this Catalog, Student Handbook and at

Course Progress

Student course-level grade information is available throughout the semester in Canvas gradebook. Students should use the Canvas gradebook as an indication of their academic progress. Students should refer any grading or course performance questions to their instructor.

Academic Fresh Start

Senate Bill 1321 entitles residents of this state to seek admission to public institutions of higher education without consideration of courses undertaken ten or more years prior to enrollment.

For admission requirements, students must list all previous colleges attended. Students who wish to apply for “Academic Fresh Start” must complete forms in the Academic Advising Office before or during their first semester. When students apply for “Academic Fresh Start,” all credit 10 or more years old will not be used for admission.

Grading System

A 4 grade points per semester hour, an EXCELLENT performance
B 3 grade points per semester hour, a GOOD performance
C 2 grade points per semester hour, an AVERAGE performance
D 1 grade point per semester hour, a POOR performance, but a passing grade for most courses*
F 0 grade points per semester hour, a FAILING performance
I 0 grade points, INCOMPLETE due to illness, unavoidable circumstances, or medical necessity must be completed within 30 calendar days after the beginning of the following long semester (Fall/Spring), or grade will be F
W 0 grade points, WITHDRAWN from course without failing, prior to the drop deadline. Drop deadlines are posted in the academic calendar for long semesters, 8-week, and summer terms.
CR Credit by Examination or Advanced Placement; Credit by Articulation Agreement
WL Means a “good cause drop.”

A “D” after a letter grade denotes a developmental course grade. A “T” after the letter grade denotes a transfer course grade.

*Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all courses used to meet TSI requirements (ENGL 1301 and MATH 1314, 1316, 1324, 1332, 1342, 1414, 1442, 2412, and 2413). In addition, students must earn a grade of “C” or better in developmental courses in order to progress to the next course.

Dean’s and President’s List

Dean’s and Presidential Honors lists will be compiled based on the student’s semester grade point average (SGPA). Developmental courses will not be considered when calculating the GPA. In addition, the program will evaluate each record to ensure that only students enrolled in at least 12 semester hours of college-level courses are considered. To qualify for President’s List, recipients must have a 4.0 GPA. To qualify for Dean’s list, recipients must have a minimum 3.3 GPA. Dean’s List and President’s List are initiated at the end of each semester by the Registrar’s office.

Graduating with Honors

To graduate with honors, a student must complete all required courses of his/her appropriate award. Grade-point average is based on all accumulated coursework of college-level courses (1000 or above) attempted.

  • Summa Cum Laude (Highest Honors): 4.0 grade-point average
  • Magna Cum Laude (High Honors): 3.6 grade-point average
  • Cum Laude (Honors): 3.3 grade-point average

Transferring Credits

Transfer Credit

All credits taken at a college or university will be evaluated for credit toward a degree at TJC. Consideration will be given or comparability of coursework and applicability of that coursework to a TJC degree or certificate program. Credit will be transferred if:

  1. An official transcript is received before the end of the student’s first academic semester of enrollment.
  2. Credit for courses in which a passing grade has been earned may be transferred to TJC from colleges and universities.
  3. The College will consider coursework completed at colleges and universities outside the U.S. on an individual basis.
  4. To complete the transcript evaluation process, the student may be required to document course learning outcomes from previous institutions.

Military Credit

Credit for Military Training

TJC will evaluate course credit toward a degree offered by the institution for the student’s completion of certain military training. The following conditions must be met:

  1. An official military record must be presented to the institution by the student that describes the substance of the training completed by the student and verifies the student’s successful completion of that training; and
  2. The substance of that training satisfies the purpose of the course for which the student seeks credit as described in the institution’s course catalog

Credit for Military Service

TJC shall award to a student who is admitted to the institution course credit for all physical education courses required by the institution for an undergraduate degree and for additional semester credit hours, not to exceed 12, that may be applied to satisfy any elective course requirements for the student’s degree program for courses outside of the student’s major. Course credits are available to Veterans who have met the following requirements:

  1. Graduated from a public or private high school accredited by a generally recognized accrediting organization or from a high school operated by the U.S. Department of Defense.
  2. Honorably discharged former member of the Armed Forces of the United States.
  3. Completed at least two years of service in the Armed Forces or was discharged because of disability.

The awarding of credit is irrevocable (i.e., cannot be removed from transcript once awarded). Therefore, in deciding whether to claim this credit, students should consult with an academic advisor to verify if their degree plan allows for elective credits and how many should be applied. Students should also verify how posted credits may affect grants or scholarships.

A request to post credits will be processed in the Registrar’s Office.

Credit from accredited institutions such as the Community College of the Air Force are not reviewed under this policy. Such credits are assessed per standard transfer credit policies and procedures.

Transfer Out of Lower-Division Coursework

Students planning on transferring should be aware that Texas public institutions have the following requirements and limitations on transfer of credit, core curriculum and field of study curricula:

Core Curriculum

  • If a student successfully completes the 42 semester credit hour core curriculum at a Texas public institution of higher education, that block of courses must be substituted in transfer to any other Texas public institution of higher education for the receiving institution’s core curriculum. A student shall receive academic credit for each of the courses transferred and may not be required to take additional core curriculum courses at the receiving institution.
  • A student who transfers from one institution of higher education to another without completing the core curriculum of the sending institution must receive academic credit from the receiving institution for each of the courses that the student has successfully completed in the core curriculum of the sending institution. Following receipt of credit for these courses, the student may be required to satisfy further course requirements in the core curriculum of the receiving institution.

Field of Study

  • If a student successfully completes a field of study curriculum developed by the Coordinating Board, that block of courses must be substituted in transfer to a general academic teaching institution for that institution’s lower-division requirements for the degree program for the field of study into which the student transfers, and the student must receive full academic credit toward the degree program for the block of courses transferred.
  • A student who transfers from one institution of higher education to another without completing the field of study curriculum of the sending institution must receive academic credit from the receiving institution for each of the courses that the student has successfully completed in the field of study curriculum of the sending institution. Following receipt of credit for these courses, the student may be required to satisfy further course requirements in the field of study curriculum of the receiving institution.

General Considerations

  • All institutions of higher education must accept transfer of credit for successfully completed courses identified as substantially equivalent to an academic course listed in the current edition of the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual as applicable to an associate or baccalaureate degree in the same manner as credit awarded to non-transfer students in that degree program.
  • Institutions shall be required to accept in transfer into a baccalaureate degree program the number of lower-division semester credit hours (SCH) in the program which are required for their non-transfer students in that program; however,
    • No institution shall be required to accept in transfer more semester credit hours in the major area of a degree program than the number set out in any applicable Board-approved field of study curriculum for that program.
      In any degree program for which there is no Board-approved field of study curriculum, no institution shall be required to accept in transfer lower-division course credit in the major applicable to a baccalaureate degree than the institution allows their non-transfer students in that major.
    • No institution of higher education shall be required to accept in transfer, or apply toward a degree program, more than sixty-six (66) semester credit hours of lower-division academic credit. Institutions of higher education, however, may choose to accept additional semester credit hours.
  • An institution of higher education may deny the transfer of credit in courses with a grade of “D” as applicable to the student’s field of study curriculum courses, core curriculum courses, or major.

It is strongly recommended that students with plans to transfer coordinate with their TJC advisor and with their planned transfer institution frequently to make sure courses taken at the lower-division will transfer into the student’s desired program of study.

Transfer Disputes

Transfer disputes may arise when a lower-division course is not accepted for credit by a Texas institution of higher education. To qualify as a dispute the course in question must be offered by the institution denying the credit (receiving institution), or in the case of upper-level institutions, must be published as a lower-division course accepted for fulfilling lower-level requirements. For community colleges, the course must be listed in THECB General Academic Course Guide Manual, and be offered at the receiving institution. Additionally, the sending institution must challenge the receiving institution’s denial of credit.

  1. The following procedures shall be followed by public institutions of higher education in the resolution of credit transfer disputes involving lower-division courses:
    1. If an institution of higher education does not accept course credit earned by a student at another institution of higher education, the receiving institution shall give written notice to the student and to the sending institution that transfer of the course credit is denied.
    2. The two institutions and the student shall attempt to resolve the transfer of the course credit in accordance with Board rules and/or guidelines.
    3. If the transfer dispute is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student or the sending institution within 45 days after the date the student received written notice of denial, the institution whose credit is denied for transfer shall notify the Commissioner of the denial.
  2. The Commissioner of Higher Education or the Commissioner’s designee shall make the final determination about the dispute concerning the transfer of course credit and give written notice of the determination to the involved student and institutions.
  3. All public institutions of higher education shall publish the procedures described in subsections (a) and (b) of this section in their undergraduate course Catalogs.
  4. All public institutions of higher education shall furnish data to the Board on transfer disputes as the Board may require in accord with its statutory responsibilities under Section 61.078(e) of the Texas Education Code.
  5. If a receiving institution has cause to believe that a course being presented by a student for transfer from another school is not of an acceptable level of quality, it should notify the Commissioner of Higher Education. The Commissioner may investigate the course. If its quality is found to be unacceptable, the Board may discontinue funding for the course.

Reverse Transfer Graduation

Students who have completed 25 percent of a degree program at TJC may transfer coursework back from college or university credits to complete their degree requirements.

These students must furnish TJC with official transcript(s) for review from the college or university they have attended and complete the online graduation confirmation form. Transcripts will be reviewed to assure that course outcomes are comparable to those courses at TJC for which the student is seeking credit.


Records and Transcripts

Students shall have access to their official education records and shall have the opportunity to challenge such records if they deem them inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of their privacy or other rights. Except for directory information, TJC will not release personally identifiable data from student records to other than a specified list of exceptions without the written consent of the student. A release of information to parents requires the student’s written consent if there is no proof of dependency on file.

In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (PL-93-380), as amended, the following information is provided concerning student records maintained by TJC; and upon request, this act is available for review in the Registrar’s Office.

Areas in which student records are maintained:

  1. Academic records: Registrar’s Office, Continuing Education Office and faculty offices
  2. Placement and testing records: Registrar’s Office and Testing Center
  3. Financial records: Business Services Office and Financial Aid Office
  4. Medical records: UT Health East Texas Campus Clinic

Records Retention

Records submitted to TJC such as official transcripts and test scores, without official admission to the College, will be retained for an academic year. Upon the conclusion of the academic year, all information will be destroyed. Students who apply to TJC and do not enroll within an academic year of acceptance must make reapplication to the College and submit all official records.

Review of Record

Access to records may be requested on a form available from the official in charge of the particular record.

Parental Notification Policy in Higher Education

The Higher Education Reauthorization Act of 1998 amended the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) to permit a college, without a student’s consent, to disclose to parents or legal guardians of students under age 21 information regarding:

  • Any criminal or school policy violation involving alcohol or drugs.
  • The final results of disciplinary proceedings against a student charged and found responsible for a violent crime as identified in the Student Handbook.

In addition, colleges are allowed to disclose to federal law enforcement officials and parents of dependent students’ education records without the student’s consent. Thus, within the structure of this policy, TJC reserves the right to implement all parts of the policy applicable by law.

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act

Directory Information

In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), TJC protects the personally identifiable information of students. In accordance with the act (PL 93-380, section 513), as amended, and (PL 93-568, section 2), information classified as “Directory Information” may be released to the general public without the consent of the student.

TJC hereby designates the following student information as public or “Directory Information”: Name and address, Major field of study at TJC, Dates of attendance, Most recent previous educational institution attended, Classification, Degrees, certifications and awards received, Date of graduation, E-mail address, Photographs, Participation in officially recognized activities and sports, Weight and height of members of athletic teams, Enrollment status (e.g., undergraduate or graduate; full-time or part-time).

A student may request that the above “Directory Information” be withheld from the public by making written request to the Registrar’s Office. Unless a request is filed, information may be released upon inquiry at the discretion of the institution. Once a student files a request to withhold directory information, the request will remain on file until the student refiles to stop the request. TJC assumes that failure on the part of any student to specifically request the withholding of “Directory Information” indicates individual approval for disclosure.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act also provides that in addition to TJC employees having a “legitimate educational interest,” certain other governmental, quasi-governmental agencies and parents certifying that a student is carried as a dependent for federal income tax purposes may have access to student records. Parents may certify by completing a form and attaching a photocopy of their federal income tax form each filing year. For more information, contact the Registrar’s Office.

Written Proof of Dependency

Under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), TJC is permitted to disclose information from a student’s educational records to the parent(s), if the parent(s) claim the student as a dependent for federal tax purposes. A statement of dependency must be on file with the Registrar’s Office showing consent of the student and proof of dependency for the parent. Parental disclosure is limited to the items released by the student to the parent.

Solomon Amendment

Solomon Amendment is a federal law that allows military recruiters to access some address, biographical and academic program information on students age 17 and older.

The Department of Education has determined the Solomon Amendment supersedes most elements of FERPA. An institution is therefore obligated to release data included in the list of “student recruiting information,” which exceeds the scope of TJC’s FERPA directory information list.

In addition to the records already designated as Directory information at TJC, Solomon Information adds these additional fields:

  1. Telephone
  2. Age/Date of birth
  3. Place of birth

If the student has submitted a written request through the Registrar’s Office to restrict the release of his/her Directory Information, then no information from the student’s education record will be released under the Solomon Amendment.

Informed Consent

Student records will be examined by TJC and authorized subcontractors in the process of compiling reports required by state agencies, the federal government and accrediting bodies and in conducting research for the purpose of program planning, management and evaluation. Data in all reports and research findings are aggregated to the program, special populations or institutional level. No personally identifiable information will be published nor will reports and studies be formatted in any way to permit disaggregation to the individual level by TJC or its authorized subcontractors. Unless a student notified TJC in writing of a desire to prevent examination of his/her records, the student’s signature on the admissions application and/or readmission form shall be construed as consent to administrative and research uses of his/her records under the protections named above. No person will be denied service because he/she asks that his/her records be excluded from the process of compiling reports and conducting administrative research.

Change of Name or Address

Name Changes

Note: changes to nicknames, reversing legal first and middle names, replacing middle with maiden name, etc., cannot be allowed. The College must keep the correct legal name in the file in order to keep accurate records. Any name change request other than by change in marital status must be accompanied by a signed court order.

In order to change a name or make a name correction, the student will need to come in person to the Registrar’s Office. You will need to bring a valid Driver’s License or U.S. Passport reflecting the current name, along with the following documents*:

  • Original Marriage License (from the county, not a church)
  • Original Divorce Decree
  • Original Birth Certificate

*Multiple documents may be required to prove identity in the event that a person has had more than one name change since the last record on file.

Change of Address

In order to change or correct your personal email, mailing or permanent residence address, please visit

Drug-Free Campus Statement/Zero Tolerance Policy

TJC is in accordance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989, which requires that a clear statement regarding the consequences of drug use and abuse, along with information about sources of available assistance, be made available to every student and employee. The Student Handbook contains a clear policy on zero tolerance and detailed information about emotional, medical and legal consequences of drug use and abuse.

Relatedly, zero tolerance means any student found responsible for on- or off-campus use, possession or distribution of controlled substances will receive legal college disciplinary action, which could result in suspension or expulsion from the College. Additional information regarding this policy or programs for students with substance abuse programs is available in the Student Handbook