Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog with Addendum 
2024-2025 Catalog with Addendum


Following are revisions made to this catalog in an effort to keep students fully informed and are listed by date:

April 19, 2024:

  1. VNSG 1323 - Basic Nursing Skills: removed Program Shirt &/or Badge Fee ($20) and reduced Supply Fee to correct amount ($35 to $20)
  2. VNSG 2410 - Nursing in Health and Illness III: reduced Supply Fee to correct amount ($700 to $560)

April 22, 2024:

  1. Physics, AS, TJC Core Curriculum section: corrected verbiage that stated “…the student is required to take 44 credit hours from the TJC Core Curriculum.”, when correct number is 45 as was already stated above this in sub-heading and below it in section totals

April 23, 2024:

  1. HITT 2261 - Clinical - Health Information/Medical Technology/Technician: added Insurance Fee ($115)
  2. Music, AA, Major Courses and Recommended Course Sequence sections:
    1. Added OR to MUSI 1181 - Piano Class I: MUAP 1169 - Piano
    2. Added OR to MUSI 1182 - Piano Class II: MUAP 1170 - Piano
  3. SRVY 2339 - Engineering Design Surveying: added Exam Fee ($50)
  4. Theatre, AA, Major Courses section: corrected misnumbering of DRAM 1121 - Theater Practicum IV to DRAM 2121 - Theater Practicum IV

April 24, 2024:

  1. Emergency Medical Service Professions (Paramedic Option), CERT, Total Semester Hours section: corrected total semester hours from 40 to 43
  2. Engineering Design Technology, AAS, Recommended Course Sequence section, Fourth Semester sub-section: removed xxxx x3xx - Creative Arts Core Elective, as was inadvertently left in catalog when degree was revised
  3. Hospitality and Restaurant Management: Advanced Hospitality and Restaurant Management, CERT, Prerequisites section: added section and missing prerequisite

April 25, 2024:

  1. Culinary Arts: Basic Culinary, CERT:
    1. First Semester section: removed IFWA 1218 - Nutrition for the Food Service Professional, as was inadvertently left in catalog when certificate was revised
    2. Total Semester Hours section: corrected total semester credit hours from 24 to 22

April 26, 2024:

  1. GAME 1334 - Video Game Art I: removed following statement from course description, as was no longer accurate: Note: This course is offered in the first eight weeks of the Fall semester only.
  2. GAME 2309 - Video Game Art II: removed following statement from course description, as was no longer accurate: Note: This course is offered in the second eight weeks of the Fall semester only.
  3. GAME 2332 - Project Development I: removed following statement from course description, as was no longer accurate: Note: This course is offered in the first eight weeks of the Spring semester only.
  4. GAME 2334 - Project Development II: removed following statement from course description, as was no longer accurate: Note: This course is offered in the second eight weeks of the Spring semester only.

April 29, 2024:

  1. Emergency Medical Service Professions (Paramedic Option), CERT, TSI heading: corrected from “TSI Exempt” to “TSI Reading & Writing Complete,” as these are new requirements for certificate

May 9, 2024:

  1. Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Administration: added four newly created courses:
    1. CJSA 1313 - Court Systems and Practices
    2. CJSA 1322 - Introduction to Criminal Justice
    3. CJSA 1327 - Fundamentals of Criminal Law
    4. CJSA 1359 - Police Systems and Practices
  2. Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement Investigations, OSA: added newly created Occupational Skills Award
  3. INRW 0311 - Integrated Reading/Writing I: added statement to end of description to reflect preexisting English Department prerequisite practices regarding TSI readiness to avoid any possible future confusion
  4. Occupational Skills Awards, introductory verbiage sections: added three-sentence statement to all, except Phlebotomy, OSA which only first sentence was added to

May 10, 2024:

  1. Business Management, AAS, Major Courses section & Real Estate Emphasis Only subsection: relocated RELE 1219 - Real Estate Finance from Major Courses section to Real Estate Emphasis Only subsection, as course is only required in Real Estate Emphasis
  2. Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement Investigations, AAS: modified Major Courses & Recommended Course Sequence sections as follows:
    1. First Semester: added following as course choices:
      1. CJSA 1322 - Introduction to Criminal Justice
      2. CJSA 1327 - Fundamentals of Criminal Law
      3. CJSA 1359 - Police Systems and Practices
    2. Second Semester: added following as course choice: CJSA 1313 - Court Systems and Practices
    3. Third Semester:
      1. Removed PHIL 2306 - Introduction to Ethics
      2. Added following recommended courses for Lang., Philosophy, and Culture Core Elective OR Creative Arts Core Elective:
        1. ENGL 2332 - British Literature I
        2. ENGL 2333 - British Literature II
        3. HUMA 1301 - Introduction to the Humanities I
        4. PHIL 1301 - Introduction to Philosophy
        5. PHIL 2306 - Introduction to Ethics
    4. Fourth Semester: added following recommended courses for Social and Behavioral Sciences Core Elective:
      1. ECON 2301 - Principles of Macroeconomics
      2. SOCI 1301 - Introduction to Sociology
      3. SOCI 1306 - Social Problems
      4. PSYC 2301 - General Psychology
      5. PSYC 2314 - Lifespan Growth & Development

May 17, 2024:

  1. Business Management, AAS, Recommended Course Sequence section: removed entire section, as students pursuing this degree are required to also pursue either the Real Estate or Small Business Emphasis; thus, there is no option to pursue a general emphasis and this recommended course sequence is not needed

June 7, 2024:

  1. Physical Therapist Assistant, AAS, Course Sequence section, Prerequisites sub-section: added note regarding HITT 1305 - Medical Terminology

June 14, 2024:

  1. Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonography and Ultrasound Technician: added following newly created course: DMSO 1166 - Practicum (or Field Experience) - Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician
  2. Diagnostic Sonography of Adult Echocardiography: added following newly created course: DSAE 1166 - Practicum (or Field Experience) - Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician
  3. Diagnostic Echocardiography, AAS:
    1. Major Courses section:
      1. Added DSAE 1166 - Practicum (or Field Experience) - Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician
      2. Semester Credit Hours (SCH): increased by one to 42 SCH due to above course addition
    2. Recommended Course Sequence section:
      1. Added Summer I term and DSAE 1166 - Practicum (or Field Experience) - Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician
      2. Total SCH for program: increased by one to 62 SCH due to above course addition
  4. Diagnostic Medical Sonography, AAS:
    1. Major Courses section:
      1. Added DMSO 1166 - Practicum (or Field Experience) - Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician
      2. Semester Credit Hours (SCH): increased by one to 42 SCH due to above course addition
    2. Recommended Course Sequence section:
      1. Added Summer I term and DMSO 1166 - Practicum (or Field Experience) - Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician
      2. Total SCH for program: increased by one to 62 SCH due to above course addition

June 19, 2024:

  1. Paralegal, AAS, introductory verbiage section: removed two instances of word “studies” after paralegal to clarify AAS is in “Paralegal” and not “Paralegal Studies”

June 21, 2024:

  1. Legal Studies: Paralegal, AAS, title: new program title (Legal Studies) added before existing degree title (Paralegal, AAS)

June 28, 2024:

  1. Engineering Design Technology: Computer-Aided Drafting and Design, CERT, First Semester section: TECM 1303 - Technical Calculations readded as an OR option to MATH 1314 - College Algebra OR MATH x3xx - Mathematics Core Elective, so certificate could remain TSI exempt and Level One

July 9, 2024:

  1. Agricultural Mechanization, General: added this new discipline, prefix (AGME), and following newly created course: AGME 1415 - Farm and Ranch Shop Skills I

July 17, 2024:

  1. Who We Are page: numerous revisions made since June 19, 2024

July 18, 2024:

  1. What We Expect page, Grades section, Grading System subsection: due to change to Texas Administrative Code Title 19, Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter C, Rule 4.59, section (b) on May 16, 2024, revised note stating “All courses used to meet TSI requirements must be completed with a grade of D or better.” to “Students must earn a grade of ‘C’ or better in all courses used to meet TSI requirements (ENGL 1301 and MATH 1314, 1316, 1324, 1332, 1342, 1414, 1442, 2412, and 2413). In addition, students must earn a grade of ‘C’ or better in developmental courses in order to progress to the next course.”

July 26, 2024:

  1. EDUC 1301 - Introduction to the Teaching Profession (SCH: 3) was modified to add TSI tag of: TSI Complete Reading & Writing, or TSIA2 Complete ELA, Required for Enrollment

August 6, 2024:

  1. ITNW 1358 - Network+: re-added “+” to title, as appears to have been inadvertently left off when 2023-24 Catalog was converted from PDF to fully-electronic version

August 12, 2024:

  1. Added Course Fee ($44) and Lab Fee ($112) to following courses:
    1. HART 1410 - HVAC Shop Practices and Tools
    2. HART 2476 - Introduction to Ammonia Refrigeration
    3. OSHT 1401 - Introduction to Safety and Health

August 15, 2024:

  1. Removed TSI tags from following courses:
    1. BIOL 1408 - Biology for Non-Science Majors I
    2. BIOL 1409 - Biology for Non-Science Majors II
    3. BIOL 1411 - General Botany
    4. BIOL 2401 - Anatomy & Physiology I
    5. BIOL 2402 - Anatomy & Physiology II
    6. BIOL 2406 - Environmental Biology
    7. BIOL 2420 - Microbiology for Non-Science Majors

August 19. 2024:

  1. Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement Investigations, AAS, Recommended Course Sequence section:
    1. Third Semester: removed following as recommended Language, Philosophy, and Culture Core or Creative Arts Core elective courses:
      1. ENGL 2332 - World Literature I
      2. ENGL 2333 - World Literature II
      3. HUMA 1301 - Introduction to the Humanities I
      4. PHIL 1301 - Introduction to Philosophy
    2. Fourth Semester: removed following as recommended Social and Behavioral Sciences Core elective courses:
      1. ECON 2301 - Principles of Macroeconomics
      2. SOCI 1301 - Introduction to Sociology
      3. SOCI 1306 - Social Problems
      4. PSYC 2314 - Lifespan Growth & Development

October 1, 2024:

  1. Business Management, AAS, Major Courses section:
    1. Moved BUSG 2309 - Small Business Management/Entrepreneurship out of OR relationship with RELE 1325 - Real Estate Mathematics and to top of section, as students in both Real Estate and Small Business Emphases are required to take BUSG 2309
    2. Also removed RELE 1325 from this section, as only students pursuing Real Estate Emphasis are required to take it and it’s already listed in Real Estate Emphasis Only subsection

October 3, 2024:

  1. Engineering, AS, Chemical Engineering Recommended Course Sequence section, First Semester subsection: added ENGL 1301 - Composition I, as appears to have been inadvertently left off when 2023-24 Catalog was converted from PDF to fully-electronic version

October 4, 2024:

  1. Nursing, Licensed Vocational (LVN)-ADN Transition, AAS, Course Sequence Section, Total Semester Hours: 60 subsection: last note in section was modified to specify that students in program “…will earn an additional twelve (12) credit hours of equivalency credit.” for the following courses: RNSG 1430, RNSG 1533, and RNSG 2362.
  2. Nursing, Paramedic-ADN Transition, AAS, Course Sequence Section, Total Semester Hours: 60 subsection: last note in section was modified to specify that students in program “…will earn an additional twelve (12) credit hours of equivalency credit.” for the following courses: RNSG 1430, RNSG 1533, and RNSG 2362.
  3. Who We Are page, Administrative Staff and Full-time Professors sections: updated Dean of Students information

October 8, 2024:

  1. Nursing, Licensed Vocational (LVN)-ADN Transition, AAS, Course Sequence Section, Total Semester Hours: 60 subsection: last note in section was modified to clarify that students in program “…will earn an additional twelve (12) credit hours of equivalency credit through credit for prior learning.” for the following courses: RNSG 1430, RNSG 1533, and RNSG 2362.
  2. Nursing, Paramedic-ADN Transition, AAS, Course Sequence Section, Total Semester Hours: 60 subsection: last note in section was modified to clarify that students in program “…will earn an additional twelve (12) credit hours of equivalency credit through credit for prior learning.” for the following courses: RNSG 1430, RNSG 1533, and RNSG 2362.

October 10, 2024:

  1. Government, AA, Recommended Course Sequence section, Third Semester subsection: added “xxxx x3xx - Creative Arts Core Semester Credit Hours: 3,” as appears to have been inadvertently left off when 2023-24 Catalog was converted from PDF to fully-electronic version
  2. Ophthalmic Medical Assisting, AAS & CERT: modified Location(s) from TJC West to Central Campus due to program moving in Summer 2024

October 22, 2024:

  1. Computer and Networking Information Technology: Computer Science, AS title: modified to Computer Science, AS, as degree is stand-alone and separate from Computer and Networking Information Technology program

October 24, 2024:

  1. Added new prefix of EMAP: Fire Protection and Safety Technology/Technician and new course (EMAP 1400 - Principles of Basic Emergency Management) in anticipation of course being offered in Spring 2025

October 25, 2024:

  1. Added new prefix of HMSY: Public Administration and new course (HMSY 1337 - Introduction to Homeland Security) in anticipation of course being offered in Spring 2025

November 19, 2024:

  1. INMT 2303 - Pumps, Compressors and Mechanical Drives prerequisite: modified to “ELMT 2452 (Power Plant Technology) OR INMT 2301 (Industrial Maintenance Technology) with a grade of ‘C’ or better,” as changed in fall 2023, but was incorrectly listed as “ELMT 1301 with a grade of ‘C’ or better”

November 21, 2024:

  1. Business Management: Generalist Management, CERT, Recommended Course Sequence section, First Semester subsection: removed BCIS 1405 - Business Computer Applications, as course has Texas Success Initiative (TSI) tag and a Level One Certificate cannot contain any course with TSI tag
  2. Business Management: Human Resources Assistant, OSA, Requirements section: removed BCIS 1405 - Business Computer Applications, as course has TSI tag and an Occupational Skills Award cannot contain any course with TSI tag

December, 5, 2024:

  1. The locations for the following Child Development/Early Childhood awards have been updated, as the program will be moving from TJC West to the Central Campus beginning in spring 2025:
    1. Child Development/Early Childhood, AAS
    2. Child Development/Early Childhood, CERT
    3. Child Development/Early Childhood, OSA
    4. Child Development/Early Childhood: Administrator’s Credential, CERT
    5. Child Development/Early Childhood: Preschool Teaching, CERT

December 16, 2024:

  1. Emergency Medical Service Professions (Paramedic Option), CERT, Recommended Course Sequence section:
    1. First Semester subsection:
      1. Removed Texas Success Initiative tags from all courses in semester:
        1. EMSP 1260 - Clinical - Emergency Medical Technology/Technician (EMT Paramedic)
        2. EMSP 1338 - Introduction to Advanced Practice
        3. EMSP 1356 - Patient Assessment and Airway Management
        4. EMSP 2306 - Emergency Pharmacology
    2. Total Semester Hours subsection: removed following note: Students will have until the end of their Prerequisites Semester to become TSI Reading and Writing complete.

January 14, 2025:

  1. Vascular Technology, ESC, title: added “Diagnostic Echocardiography:” to beginning of title, so Enhanced Skills Certificate would be grouped with applicable AAS

February 13, 2025:

  1. Dental Hygiene/Hygienist (DHYG) courses modified as follows:
    1. Deleted:
      1. DHYG 1103 - Preventive Dental Hygiene I
      2. DHYG 1201 - Orofacial Anatomy, Histology, & Embryology
      3. DHYG 1211 - Periodontology
      4. DHYG 1215 - Community Dentistry
      5. DHYG 2133 - Preventive Dental Hygiene II
    2. Added:
      1. DHYG 1227 - Preventive Dental Hygiene Care
      2. DHYG 1301 - Orofacial Anatomy, Histology, & Embryology
      3. DHYG 1311 - Periodontology
      4. DHYG 1315 - Community Dentistry
    3. Modified:
      1. DHYG 1207 - General and Dental Nutrition: Prerequisites, Corequisites
      2. DHYG 1219 - Dental Materials: Contact Hours
      3. DHYG 1235 - Pharmacology for the Dental Hygienist: Prerequisites, Corequisites
      4. DHYG 1260 - Clinical - Dental Hygienist: Corequisites
      5. DHYG 1304 - Dental Radiology: Corequisites
      6. DHYG 1339 - General and Oral Pathology: Contact Hours, Prerequisite, Corequisites
      7. DHYG 1431 - Preclinical Dental Hygiene: Corequisites
      8. DHYG 2153 - Dental Hygiene Practice: Corequisites
      9. DHYG 2201 - Dental Hygiene Care I: Corequisites
      10. DHYG 2231 - Dental Hygiene Care II: Contact Hours, Corequisites, Description
      11. DHYG 2360 - Clinical - Dental Hygienist: Corequisites
      12. DHYG 2362 - Clinical - Dental Hygienist: Corequisites
  2. Dental Studies: Dental Hygiene, AAS & Recommended Course Sequence: modified in numerous ways; recommend comparing with Dental Studies: Dental Hygiene, AAS in TJC 2023-2024 Catalog with Addendum v. 2.0 to view differences

February 20, 2025:

  1. Musical Theatre, AA, Major Courses section, Select three: subsection: added newly created course (DRAM 2389 - Academic Cooperative) in anticipation of it being offered in May term 2025
  2. Theatre, AA, Major Courses section, Select three courses from the following: subsection: added newly created course (DRAM 2389 - Academic Cooperative) in anticipation of it being offered in May term 2025

February 24, 2025:

  1. HART 2476 - Introduction to Ammonia Refrigeration: modified Prerequisite (HART 1401, HART 1407, and OSHT 1401 -> HART 1401 and HART 1407 with a grade of “C” or better)

February 27, 2025:

  1. Dental Studies: Dental Hygiene, AAS, Course Sequence section, Total Semester Hours subsection: removed reference to modifications pending approval by Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, as approval was received February 25, 2025

March 4, 2025:

  1. MUSC 2347 - Audio Engineering III: description was incorrect, so it was replaced with correct one