Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog with Addendum 
2024-2025 Catalog with Addendum

What We Offer

Graduate Guarantees

TJC guarantees students who earn a Certificate of Completion and/or an Associate of Applied Science Degree will have entry-level employment skills in the field for which they have been prepared. Graduates who are judged by an employer to be lacking in technical job skills identified as exit competencies for their specific degree or certificate program may return to the College for up to nine tuition-free hours of education as outlined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board in the 2015 Guidelines for Instructional Programs in Workforce Education.

Special conditions which apply to the graduate guarantee for job competency include the following:

  1. The graduate must have earned the Certificate of Completion and/or Associate of Applied Science Degree beginning September 1994, or thereafter, in a technical program identified in the College Catalog.
  2. The graduate must have completed the certificate or degree program with 75% of credits earned at TJC and must have completed the graduation requirements within a three-year time span for the Certificate of Completion and a five-year time span for the Associate of Applied Science.
  3. The graduate must be employed full-time in an area directly related to the area of program concentration as certified by the appropriate department chair.
  4. Employment must commence within 12 months of graduation.
  5. The employer must certify in writing that the employee is lacking entry-level skills identified by the College as the exit level program competencies and must specify the areas of deficiency within 90 days of the graduate's initial employment.
  6. The employer, graduate, department chair, and appropriate faculty member will develop a written educational plan for retraining.
  7. Retraining will be limited to nine credit hours related to the identified skill deficiency and to those classes regularly scheduled during the period covered by the retraining plan.
  8. All retraining must be completed within a calendar year from the time the educational plan is agreed upon.
  9. The graduate and/or employer is responsible for the cost of books, insurance, uniforms, fees, and other course-related expenses.
  10. The guarantee does not imply that the graduate will pass any licensing or qualifying examination for a particular career.
  11. The students' sole remedy against the College and its employees for skills deficiencies shall be limited to nine credit hours of tuition-free coursework under conditions described above.
  12. Activation of the Graduate Guarantee may be initiated by the graduate through contact with the appropriate academic dean within 90 days of the graduates' initial employment.

Honors Program

Honors at TJC

The Honors Program at Tyler Junior College is designed to serve highly motivated and creative students by providing an intellectually enriching, interdisciplinary two-year experience. The program fosters an atmosphere of educational excellence with a focus on intellectual exploration, community involvement, and leadership through service learning.

We are a focused academic program with unique admissions guidelines and procedures, specialized honors seminar-style courses, dedicated honors faculty, individual advising and planning, reserved housing, and special transcript notation and distinction at graduation. The honors program is open to students from all majors. We pride ourselves on being academically accommodating while also ensuring that students have an intellectually rigorous experience during their time with us.

Selective admissions and completion requirements apply. The Honors Program is housed on the third floor of the Rogers Student Center. Program information and applications can be found at

Continuing Studies

Continuing Studies provides exceptional learning opportunities for all age groups. Courses are offered in the areas of Professional, Personal, and Workforce education to help improve job-related skills, provide opportunities for personal enrichment learning and prepare individuals with new skills for employment. These non-credited options support a wide range of interests.

Continuing Studies is headquartered in the TJC Regional Training and Development Complex (RTDC) at TJC West located at 1530 SSW Loop 323 in Tyler. Continuing Studies is devoted to offering critically-needed training leading to immediate employment according to the needs of business, industry and governmental agencies. Instruction at the RTDC lends itself to quick startup training for workers to improve workforce and academic skills within condensed classes rather than the traditional semester schedule. The RTDC is the home of the Continuing Studies offices, Small Business Development Center, and the Literacy Council of Tyler.

In addition, TJC West hosts the following degree and certificate programs-automotive technology; child development/early childhood education; fire protection technology; electrical/electronic controls technology; heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration technology; industrial maintenance technology; ophthalmic medical assisting; and welding technology.

Continuing Education

Continuing Education is non-credit programming that offers:

  1. Adult (age 16+) vocational education for individuals wanting to upgrade their present skills enabling them to explore new occupational fields.
  2. Lifelong learning opportunities for individuals and groups seeking to enhance the quality of living in the community through cultural and enrichment studies by providing opportunities to explore new activities for personal growth and enjoyment. A select number of programs and activities are offered for children and senior adults.
  3. Resources for business, industry, government and professional groups needing to supplement their own training and development programs. Training programs are tailor-made and, if desired, offered "in-house" to meet specific job-upgrading and mobility needs of individual organizations.

Classes are offered during the day or the evening and are provided when a sufficient number of students are enrolled. Non-credit courses are open to interested persons without regard to eligibility for admission to college-credit programs.

TJC will award the Continuing Education Unit (CEU) to persons who successfully complete approved, non-credit continuing education activities administered by the College. One CEU is equal to 10 contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience. In selected instances, the awarding of CEU's may convert to college credit applicable toward a degree.

For more information concerning continuing education programs, contact the School of Skilled Trades and Continuing Studies online at

Refund Policy

Refunds may be requested by contacting the Continuing Studies office.

College refund policy:

  • 100% prior to the first class day of class or if class is canceled by the College
  • 80% during the first class day and NONE thereafter

Small Business Development Center

America's Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Program is part of a nationwide network that partners the resources of federal, state and local government to those of colleges, universities and the private sector to provide advice and technical assistance to help Americans start, run and grow their own businesses.

Tyler SBDC, hosted by Tyler Junior College, is a field center of the North Texas SBDC Network. The Tyler SBDC serves seven counties: Wood, Smith, Cherokee, Nacogdoches, Shelby, San Augustine and Sabine. The North Texas SBDC Network is a partnership program funded in part by the Small Business Administration, the State of Texas and the Dallas County Community College District.

Tyler SBDC at Tyler Junior College is a member of the North Texas SBDC Network and funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).

For more information, go to

Adult Basic Education (non-credit)

The Literacy Council of Tyler, in partnership with TJC is dedicated to serving the adults of our area with free educational programs. All adults age 17 and older are eligible to attend classes free of charge. Programs include GED Prep and tutoring in reading, writing and math. English as a Second Language (ESL) is also taught. Additionally, Career Pathways are offered, giving students an opportunity to work on their GED or other skills while simultaneously working on workforce training such as Certified Nurse Aide, HVAC, Welding, Phlebotomy and others.

Classes and/or individualized instruction are available at TJC West and other locations throughout the area, delivered by LCOT staff as well as trained literacy volunteers. In addition, Literacy Council staff members oversee the operation of a grant-funded public computer lab-free to the community. There are also evening classes available in outreach centers throughout the community.

Please call 903-533-0330 for registration information. For more about this non-profit organization, visit their website:

Distance Education

Distance learning classes are open to all students. Students are asked to complete the Online Student Orientation ( prior to enrolling in a distance education course. Each course also includes its own online orientation. Further information may be obtained online at or by email to

TJC Online Degrees

The TJC Online Degrees website should be a student's first stop to find out about online learning. The TJC Online Degrees website ( gives students information about all online and hybrid degrees and courses offered by the College. It also includes information about completing their core transfer requirements completely online. In addition, the TJC Online Degrees website provides online access to all student services, including advising and financial aid. Students pursuing online degree programs at TJC are held to the same entrance and graduation requirements as on-campus students. Course and degree requirements for each of the college's online programs meet the same standards as those on campus.

Online (Internet) Courses

An online (or Internet-based) course allows a student to take courses from any computer that has Internet access (home, work, school, library, etc.). Students access course information through Apache Access, which links to Canvas, TJC's online learning management system (LMS). Students can easily communicate with instructors by phone, e-mail or discussion boards.

For online and hybrid classes requiring proctored examinations, the college's remote online proctoring service will be available to proctor students securely from their home or other approved location.

Hybrid Courses

A hybrid course has both online (Internet) and in-class components. For example, TJC offers hybrid classes that meet in-class one day per week instead of two. The remainder of the class is completed online. This type of class allows students the flexibility of coming to campus only half the time they normally would. TJC also offers hybrid lecture/lab classes, which hold in-class labs with the lecture portion delivered online. Students who are not quite sure whether an online course is right for them may find a hybrid class to be more suitable.

College Credit for High School Students

Many participating area high schools offer "dual credit" and "early admissions" courses from TJC through distance learning. Online classes may be scheduled at any Tyler service area high school. Some high schools offer courses by two-way interactive video.

High school students qualifying for college admissions (see Special Admissions in the TJC Catalog) may also be able to enroll directly at TJC. For more information on dual credit enrollment and early admissions, contact the Office of School Partnerships or go online to

Data Security

The security, confidentiality, and integrity of student data stored in the College's learning management system (LMS) is protected by the same secure logon that is used to access the College's student information system. Each student has individual secure access to their data via their secure logon which is based on a unique student identifier known as an Apache number or A-number and a private password known only to the student. For all proctored exams, each student's identity is verified before the exam begins.


TJC allows a person who does not desire a degree or who does not desire course credit to register for classes on a non-credit basis. This is known as auditing a course. Students auditing classes are permitted to attend classes, however class activity participation is at the discretion of the Professor. They are not required to complete work outside the classroom nor sit for exams. No credits are earned and are not applicable toward a degree from TJC, nor do they carry transfer recommendation. Students may be required to obtain an ID available from the Campus Police to attend class.

A student may audit courses by taking the following steps:

  1. Students auditing a course are required to comply with Texas state legislation that mandates those who have not been continuously enrolled at TJC must have received the bacterial meningitis vaccine within the past five years if the student is under the age of 22.
  2. Students auditing a course are required to complete the admission application for TJC.
  3. Registration for audit will occur on the first day of class in the Registrar's Office located in the White Administrative Services Center. in the Registrar's Office located in the White Administrative Services Center.
  4. Registration is based on available seating.
  5. Audit students must pay the same tuition and fees that apply for credit classes, and are due in the Cashier's Office at the time of registration. (Students who are residents of the State of Texas and are 65 years of age or older are exempt from the audit fee.)

A student auditing a course may not receive credit for the course, nor be eligible for advanced standing examination.

Degrees, Certificates and Graduation

General Graduation Requirements for all Degrees, Certificates or Awards

The following general requirements must be met by all students receiving degrees, certificates, or awards:

  1. The student should confirm their graduation for a degree, certificate or award at Submission of a Graduation Confirmation is required for notification of graduation activities and inclusion in commencement.
  2. The student must complete the required credit hours with an average grade of at least "C" (2.0 GPA) for completion.
  3. The student must complete at least 60 credit hours to earn an associate degree. Minimum credit hour requirements for certificates or awards vary.
  4. The student must complete at least 120 credit hours to earn a baccalaureate degree.
  5. For degree, certificate, or award completion, at least 25 percent of the semester credit hours applicable to the degree, certificate, or award must be earned through direct instruction completed at TJC. Credits awarded through transfer, credit by exam, or credit for prior learning do not count toward this requirement. Certain programs may have additional requirements.
  6. Students must satisfy the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements specified for the degree, certificate, or award sought.

Additional Awards

A student can earn more than one degree at TJC using the same General Education Core with the completion at TJC of an additional 16-18 credit hours of major coursework beyond the original coursework to meet the degree requirements of the specific area of emphasis. Major courses used to complete a General Studies AA may not be used towards any other degree.

Student Responsibility

Each student is responsible for seeking academic advising, for knowing and meeting the requirements for the academic program of his or her interest, for enrolling in courses appropriate for that degree program, and for taking courses in the proper sequence to ensure orderly and timely progress toward the award.

Students who wish to receive a diploma or certificate and/or participate in commencement must make proper application to the Office of the Registrar. Upon verification, students will be notified and receive credit for all awards earned, having them posted to their permanent academic records.

Graduation under a Particular Catalog

To receive a degree from TJC, a student must fulfill degree requirements as set forth in a Catalog under which he/she is entitled to graduate. A student is entitled to graduate under the current Catalog or any other Catalog in force when the student was enrolled at TJC or any other Texas public institution of higher education, but the Catalog must be within the last five Catalogs.

Dates of Graduation

If all degree requirements have been met, degrees will be dated the semester in which the student applied. All degree requirements must be met prior to the end of the semester in which the student applied. Requirements completed in the Winter Term or May Term will be applied to graduation the following term. Students who meet graduation requirements may be awarded degrees or certificates three times a year-in May, August and December. A commencement ceremony is held at the close of the Spring and Fall terms only.

Graduation Confirmation Deadlines

It will be the responsibility of the student to confirm their graduation for a degree, certificate or award for which he/she is eligible at The deadline for applying for a degree or certificate is posted in the academic calendar. Students are responsible for checking with the Cashier's Office to pay any outstanding charges on their accounts prior to graduation.

Discretionary Awards

TJC reserves the right to post occupational skills awards, certificates, and/or degrees for current or former students who have met completion requirements but have not formally initiated the graduation process. The College may, at its discretion, evaluate the records of students who appear to have completed all occupational skills award, certificate or degree requirements for a technical program. If a student has met the requirements, the College will award the occupational skills award, certificate or degree and post it to the official transcript. The student will be notified that the degree has been awarded via their official TJC email address. This process is designed for students in technical programs who did not confirm their graduation; however, it does not guarantee that all degrees and certificates will be identified and awarded, and it does not release the student from the individual responsibility of initiating the graduation process. Students may request a diploma by contacting the Registrar's Office.

Academic Affairs

Under the direction of the Chief Academic Officer, the Division of Academic Affairs is focused on student and community access and success, through a culture of academic integrity, teaching excellence, innovation, and student learning. The Division of Academic Affairs is committed to being student- and community-centered and provides transferable academic courses and programs, workforce and technical education, developmental education, distance education and continuing education.

Provost Office
WASC 3rd floor 903-510-2261
Associate Vice Provost, Academic Affairs
Vaughn Library (LRC) 903-510-2281
School of Skilled Trades and Continuing Studies
Deans' Office  
TJC West 903-510-2999
School of Engineering, Mathematics and Sciences
Deans' Office  
Genecov 102C 903-510-2546
School of Humanities, Communications and Fine Arts
Deans' Office  
Jenkins Hall 152 903-510-2468
School of Nursing and Health Sciences
Deans' Office  
Rogers Nursing and Health Sci. 2.255 903-510-3194
School of Professional and Technical Programs
Deans' Office  
Pirtle Technology 203 903-510-2349
TJC North Deans' Office 903-510-3100

School Partnerships

Dual Credit

Dual credit programs allow qualified high school students to enroll in a college course and simultaneously earn college credit and high school credit for the course.

Partnerships between Texas secondary schools and TJC have enabled high school students to earn college credits before graduating from high school, making their transition to the collegiate campus smoother and their likelihood of graduating from college greater.

College courses offered for dual credit may be taught at the college campus, online, or at the high school campus by credentialed instructors. Courses offered for dual credit include the same content and rigor as courses taught to other college students, utilizing credentialed instructors and the same curriculum and policies. High school students should check with their school counselors about dual credit options at their high schools.

Technical Dual Credit

Technical dual credit is a program designed to allow high school students to enroll in TJC workforce courses for both college and high school credit. Technical courses which are part of an existing OSA, Certificate, or Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree are not transferable to most bachelor programs. Students taking these courses must understand that they will not apply to BA and BS degrees, unless specifically stated by the transfer college or university. High school students should check with their high school counselors about technical dual credit options at their high schools. Upon completion of a technical degree at TJC, the student will have earned an Associate of Applied Science degree.

Early College High School

An Early College High School (ECHS) program represents a collaborative effort between a school district and a college that must be designated and approved by the Texas Education Agency. The goal of ECHS is to allow students who fit the demographics established by the school district the opportunity to receive a mentored style of educational experience in which they earn college credit as early as the 9th grade. Priority is given to students who are considered at-risk and/or statistically underrepresented in higher education. These schools are small and are designed to allow a student to earn an associate's degree or up to 60 hours of college credit toward a bachelor's degree while completing a high school diploma. TJC partners with a designated ECHS program to ensure that all requirements and goals that lead toward the overall success of the program are met in a timely and positive manner. Classes may be taught on either the high school campus or the TJC campus. Please refer to for a complete listing of TJC Early College High School programs.

Academic Degrees

Degrees Offered at TJC

Associate of Arts (AA)

Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT)

Associate of Science (AS)

Associate of Applied Science (AAS)

Bachelor of Applied Science in Emergency Management (BAS)

Bachelor of Applied Technology in Healthcare Administration (BAT)

Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene (BSDH)

The Associate of Arts, Associate of Arts in Teaching and Associate of Science degrees are designed for students planning to transfer course credits to a baccalaureate degree program at a college or university. The curriculum suggested in this Catalog will satisfy the requirements of most colleges and universities.

The Associate of Applied Science degree combines general liberal arts courses with specialized technical courses.

The Bachelor of Applied Technology degree (BAT) in Healthcare Administration is designed for graduates of a health- or business-related associate degree program seeking a bachelor degree to prepare for entry into mid-level management positions in a health care or medical facility.

The Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene degree is designed for graduates of an accredited Dental Hygiene program that are licensed dental hygienists seeking a bachelor degree. Bachelor degree students may be graduates of TJC or transfer students from any other regionally accredited college.

The Bachelor of Applied Science degree (BAS) in Emergency Management is designed for graduates of an emergency management related associate degree program, such as fire protection, fire science, criminal justice, law enforcement investigation, emergency medical professions, paralegal, and public administration. This degree program prepares graduates for entry into mid-level management positions in local, regional, state, and federal governmental agencies.

Students should visit with an Academic Advisor to ensure that they take the correct courses for their Associate of Arts, Associate of Arts in Teaching, Associate of Science, Associate of Applied Science, Bachelor of Applied Technology, Bachelor of Applied Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or Bachelor of Science degree program at TJC in addition to the major for their chosen transfer college or university. The selection of science, math, and elective credit courses is often based on the requirements of the specific transfer college or university.

Core Curriculum and General Education Philosophy and Rationale

In 2011, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) revised the Texas Core Curriculum, to increase student learning and improve student success. The Statement of Purpose summarizes THECB's goals for the revisions:  "Through the Texas Core Curriculum, students will gain a foundation of knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural world, develop principles of personal and social responsibility for living in a diverse world, and advance intellectual and practical skills that are essential for all learning."

Tyler Junior College's General Education Core Curriculum represents a coherent structure, offering opportunities to build the skills, foundational knowledge, and core principles articulated within the Statement of Purpose. Each General Education course adheres to a uniform set of expectations, competencies, definitions, and guidelines in the areas of Critical Thinking, Communication, Empirical and Quantitative Skills, Teamwork, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.

The knowledge and skills gained through TJC's General Education Core prepare students to embark on fulfilling lives as informed citizens, productive professionals, and lifelong learners.

College Student Learning Outcomes (CSLOs)

To measure how well students learn in specific areas, these college-level learning goals (CSLOs) were developed. Any course fulfilling a General Education requirement must teach and assess at least three of these goals.

Communication Skills: Students develop, interpret, and express ideas through written, oral, and visual communication.

Critical Thinking-1: Students generate ideas by combining, changing, or reapplying existing information.

Critical Thinking-2: Students analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information relevant to a question.

Empirical and Quantitative Skills: Students manipulate and analyze numerical data or observable facts to arrive at an informed conclusion.

Teamwork: Students are able to consider different points of view and work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal.

Social Responsibility-1: Students exhibit intercultural competency.

Social Responsibility-2: Students identify civic responsibilities and effective ways to engage in regional, national, and global communities.

Personal Responsibility: Students evaluate choices and actions as well as relate consequences to decision-making.

Rubrics used to evaluate student work may be found under the Quick Links tab in Apache Access.

Core Completion

BAT, BSDH, BAS, AA, AAT or AS Degree

A student who completes the core curriculum for the BAT, BSDH, BAS, AA, AAT or AS degree or area of emphasis will have a notation on his/her transcript showing core completion.

Core Curriculum Requirements
Foundational Component Area Requirement
Communications (010) (Select two courses; 6 credit hours):
ENGL 1301 AND SPCH 1311 or 1315 or 1318 or 1321
Mathematics (020) (Select one course; 3 credit hours minimum; additional hour will apply to degree requirement):
MATH 1314, 1316, 1324, 1332, 1342, 1414, 1442, 2412, 2413
Life and Physical Sciences (030) (Select two courses; 6 credit hours minimum; additional 2 hours will apply to degree requirement):
BIOL 1406, 1407, 1408, 1409, 1411, 2401, 2402, 2404, 2406
CHEM 1405, 1406, 1411, 1412
GEOL 1401, 1403, 1404, 1405
PHYS 1401, 1403, 1404, 1405, 2425, 2426
Language, Philosophy & Culture (040) (Select one course; 3 credit hours):
DANC 1305
ENGL 2322, 2323, 2327, 2328, 2332, 2333
HIST 2311, 2312
HUMA 1301
PHIL 1301, 1304, 2306
Creative Arts (050) (Select one course; 3 credit hours):
ARTS 1301
DANC 2303
DRAM 1310
MUSI 1306, 1310
American History (060) (Select two courses; 6 credit hours):
HIST 1301 AND HIST 1302 or 2301
Government/Political Science (070) (6 credit hours):**
GOVT 2305, 2306
Social and Behavioral Sciences (080) (Select one course; 3 credit hours):
COMM 1307
CRIJ 1301
ECON 2301
GEOG 1303
PSYC 2301, 2314
SOCI 1301
Component Area Option (090) (Select two courses; 6 credit hours):
EDUC 1300 or COSC 1301 AND ENGL 1302 or 2311

Core Total: 42 credit hours

**Students transferring six hours of Government from out-of-state must take GOVT 2107
Students should choose ENGL 1302 or 2311 based on senior college requirements.
Work with the academic advisor for your major to request any course substitutions needed for your senior institution or associate degree plan. Course waivers/substitutions must be approved by the appropriate department chair and instructional dean.

Field of Study - AA or AS

Some degrees do not require completion of the core. Fields of Study supplant core requirements. A student who intends to transfer to a university and seek a baccalaureate degree in a particular Field of Study should consult with an advisor to develop a degree plan according to the receiving university's course requirements and should complete courses listed in the chosen Field of Study.

College and University Relations

The educational goal of many TJC students is successful transfer from TJC into a baccalaureate program at another institution. Facilitating the transfer process for these students is a part of the mission of TJC. Several programs are in place to accommodate the needs of transferring students.

Statewide programs include the Field of Study Curriculum and Transfer Compacts. Both of these programs aid in the transfer of courses within specific majors. Field of Study curricula are designed to complete the first two years of study within a designated major offered at a Texas public college or university with the courses successfully completed at TJC. Transfer Compacts guide students to the most appropriate courses for select majors without changing the curriculum of the four-year institution receiving the transfer student.

In addition to these statewide programs, TJC seeks to collaborate with numerous four-year colleges and universities on an individual basis to create articulated agreements with the intent of providing a seamless transition from TJC to the student's chosen institution. These agreements vary in their terms depending upon the partnering college or university, but the ultimate goal of each is to facilitate the transfer of students.

Field of Study Curriculum

Field of study curriculum, mandated in the Senate Bill 148 of the 75th Texas Legislature (1997), facilitates free transferability of lower-division academic courses among Texas public colleges and universities. Field of study curricula are defined by SB 148 as "a set of courses that will satisfy the lower-division requirements for a bachelor's degree in a specific academic area at a general academic teaching institution." The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board is responsible for developing and approving academic courses that fulfill the lower-division requirements for majors that correspond to the field of study. Students who successfully complete a TJC field of study curriculum can transfer that block of courses to any Texas public college or university. The field of study curriculum is substituted for that institution's lower-division requirements of the degree program for their field of study into which the students transfer. The students receive full academic credit toward the degree program of the block of courses transferred. Course substitutions cannot be made in a "field of study" curriculum. Since the field of study curriculum does not include all of the core curriculum requirements, students must complete those courses at the transfer institution.

Students who transfer without completing the TJC field of study curriculum receive academic credit for their coursework but must complete the transfer institution’s field of study requirements.

Engineering Transfer Compact

TJC is an active participant in the Texas Voluntary Transfer Compacts for Engineering, which are voluntary agreements among institutions of higher education within the State of Texas. The purpose of the Engineering Transfer Compact is to streamline the transfer processes for students pursuing bachelor’s degrees in civil, electrical, industrial, and/or mechanical engineering, and increase the number and preparedness of students matriculating from Texas community colleges into a bachelor’s degree programs at Texas public universities. The transfer compacts provide students with guidance about the courses that offer the best pathways to bachelor’s degrees in disciplines of interest.

Articulation Agreements

TJC has articulation agreements in place for the benefit of our transferring students. Agreements between TJCs top AA, AAT, AS, and AAS programs into bachelor of arts, bachelor of science, and bachelor of applied arts and sciences degrees with SFA, UT-Tyler, TXSU, TAMU, TAMU-Texarkana, JCU, and other schools are currently in place. These agreements are updated regularly in order to provide seamless transfer from TJC to our transfer partners.

Pathway guides are created for the top ten transfer programs to each of TJCs top five transfer institutions. Additional pathway guides are also available for many of TJCs programs. These pathway guides used along with academic advising; help ensure highest transferability of TJC courses into the corresponding transfer degree. Destination SFA, Transfer Pride (TAMUC), and Patriot Pathways (UT-Tyler) are specific agreements which connect students to a variety of student-facing services at the transfer institution, such as admissions, advising, disability services, scholarships and more. A special arrangement with SFASU permits TJC students to complete a Bachelor of Social Work on the TJC campus via coursework provided by SFASU, thus allowing students to move seamlessly from an associate degree to a bachelor degree without ever leaving TJC.

For more information, students may contact the Office of School Partnerships or see their academic advisor.


A list of specific awards (including occupational skills awards, certificates, and degrees) available at Tyler Junior College (TJC) may be found here . After clicking on the link, detailed information for any award, including its recommended course sequence, may be viewed by clicking on the award title.

Students are strongly encouraged to seek advisement for course planning from their academic advisor or faculty advisor. TJC recommends that all students who plan to transfer consult with their respective transfer institution about the transfer institutions’ degree requirements. The final responsibility for the selection, scheduling, and satisfactory completion of award requirements rests with students.

Allied health, honors, and select professional and technical students must contact their programs’ department chair or academic advisor for specific application information and deadlines. See the Special Admissions  and/or Selective Admissions  sections of this Catalog for more information.

General Education Courses

Every Associate of Applied Science degree plan must contain at least 15 semester credit hours of General Education courses. At least one course must be taken from each of the following areas: humanities/fine arts (language, philosophy and culture/creative arts), social/behavioral science (social and behavioral sciences/American history/government/political science), and natural science/mathematics (life and physical sciences/mathematics).

It is the responsibility of students to ensure the courses listed in their specific degree plans will transfer to their receiving institutions. Students are strongly encouraged to schedule an appointment with a TJC Academic Advisor.